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sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012


Olá pessoal, estou aqui para alertá-los mais uma vez sobre algumas vagas de emprego oferecidas na Irlanda, fiquem atentos quando a oferta for muito interessante, você pode estar caindo em um golpe. Eu já contei aqui como foi a minha experiência no site Gum Tree, é um site muito bom, porém aconselho tomar alguns cuidados. Hoje eu li no facebook um relato de uma menina que recebeu a mesma proposta que eu, então estou postando aqui para orientá-los.
"Acho que posso ajudar as meninas que estão chegando agora aqui em Dublin e estão desesperadas atrás de emprego. Muitas já ouviram falar do golpe do emprego maravilhoso que não dá para acreditar, como a maioria das meninas procuram através da internet esse golpe comigo aconteceu duas vezes. Uma eu quase caí. Acontece da seguinte forma: Uma família entra em contato dizendo que quer contratar e está viajando e que gostou muito do seu perfil. Assim vai mandar um CHEQUE para você parar de procurar emprego e ficar esperando eles voltarem de viagem, o salário por semana é entre 700,00 e 500,00 euros. Você fica loucaaaaaaaa não é? Pois é tudo mentira. Chegou um cheque na minha casa, de 4,500.00 Euros, porque são vários meses de salário adiantado, você vai depositar e ai? No meu caso, o Banco me ligou para me dizer que eu caí no Golpe. Mas algumas meninas o cheque caiu na conta e como é falso, você acaba fazendo um empréstimo num banco na Itália, de onde é o cheque?
Segue abaixo o e-mail com a proposta de emprego:

"Hello, I got  your response toward the Nanny/Babysitter position, I'm Mr Paul Lambert and My wife's name is Sandra Lambert and my two kids Wayne (9 yrs) and Jamie (5yrs) We are relocating to Cork Ireland from the States, I'm coming there to do some research with the Environmental Protection Agency on Global Warming, So I will need someone who could help me take care of the house by doing some housekeeping work while am off to work.
I will be offering you €550 weekly, I will be needing your services for three hours at any suitable time of yours,Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. I will want you to  prove yourself to be a reliable and good person, Regarding payment my company headquarter will take care of your payment and other expenses,I will instruct them to pay for the first week before our arrival so as to secure your service,actually I should have paid for more weeks but I will extend the payment if am satisfy with your service after the first week.
My company will be making out a euro cheque to you before our arrival, you will be receiving a cheque of €4000 out of which you will deduct your pay for the first week (€550) and you will be using the remaining to buy foodstuffs and other things needed in the house,you will getting this foodstuff on the day of our arrival which is May 8th 2011. Our flights from the States will arrive at nights so you will be getting the foodstuff in the morning and making all other preparations. I will also instruct the estate agent to mail the keys of the apartment to you so that you can do all other necessary preparations before we arrive, I will also email you the shopping list.
You have to get all this shopping before our arrival so that we wont have to start running around when we arrive, So I would be needing the following Information from you so that I can send it over to my company headquarters for them to make out the check to you.
Name to be on Cheque:
Address in full:
Phone number:
Acceptance of offer:
All I need from you is total honesty and sincerity. I know you will be committed to the work, You will also have a nice period of time working with my family. I will be waiting to hear from you. Thanks"

Os e-mails abaixo foram os que eu recebi, provalmente do mesmo grupo de enganadores do e-mail acima, quando eu recebi o primeiro e-mail confesso que fiquei tentada, mas desconfiei que pudesse ser golpe e cortei o assunto no segundo e-mail. Onde está a Garda para resolver isso?

"Thanks for responding to my job ad, You'll be working for My wife who's Three months pregnant and this is our Second baby We Having. So she is relocating to Dublin From Ukraine to Have the Baby,And Also she will be coming Down there to work on contract basis with a local Company on a private research work. So i need someone who could help her take care of the house by doing some house work while she is off to work. as the doctor advised her that she doesn't need to stress her self, Someone that will also be help in running some errands for her. I will be offering you 500 Euro weekly, Wish i believe you have seem the Working Days and Time before you Apply. So I believe you are fit for this position . Also you will prove yourself to be a reliable and good person. I'll be paying you in advance with Money Order or cashier check,Once you receive the check, you'll get it cashed,so we can have a good and comfortable preparation before her arrival schedule.  I will also instruct the Landlord of the house to mail the keys of the apartment to you so that you can do all other necessary preparations before my wife arrive on the 7th of January 2012, So kindly get back to me with your contact address Where the Travelers Check or cashier check will be Mailed to , I will Need the Below Details from you.
Note:you we be working from Monday to Friday, either as Live in or Live out, it depends on you,the timimg is 8am-5pm the address of the house is (Apt, 139. Baileys Court, Baileys Row. Dublin 1. Dublin - Ireland) you we have two days off.
Full Name:
Full Address:
Postal code:
Current Active Phone No:
All i need from you is Your honesty and sincerity. I know you will be committed to the work, You will also have a nice period of working with my wife as she is very friendly and honest. I will be waiting to hear from you soon."

"Hello, Thank you for the mail, please I just want to tell you that there was a mix up in the payment, sent to you, I suppose to receive two separate payment, from my Client that is one for you and the other one for my Wife's travel agent, but all the payment was issued in your name and sent to you, i tried to correct it but it was in vain as i was told to resolve the problem myself, it would  go through a very long process to change the error,and we have limited time.please i don't know what to do, but my Wife's travel agent advised me to contact you since the cheque was issued in your name, you should be able to help please as soon as you have the cheque cleared into your account, you are to keep your full payment that is 500 Euro and help me remit the balance to my Wife's traveling agent,which i we send you there travel details after the cheque has been cleared into your account please. Sorry for the inconveniences. Please let me have your word that you we help out, hope to read from you soon. Note: A payment cheque of 1890 Euro was sent to you today.Congratulations!!!" John

3 comentários:

  1. valeu mesmo! minha amiga acabou de receber uma proposta dessas! se não fosse pelo seu post, ela poderia ter sido a proxima!

  2. Eu recebi um cheque no valor de 500 euros o qe faço?

  3. o que acontece com quem adquiri o cheque e nao paga?
    Tenho pelo menos 5 amigos que cairam no golpe e só souberam disso meses depois. E hoje não tem como devolver o pagar o emprestimo.


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